5 Console Methods That Makes Your JavaScript Debbuging Life Easier
26 Oct 2021console.log()
is a magical wand when debugging JavaScript codes.
It’s easy to use, customizable.
Yet, there are other useful methods that will definitely make your debugging life easier.
Let’s find things out.
1. console.log() with style
You can add css style to console.log in browser.
const user = { name: "Leon", age: 29 };
console.log("%c User", "color: orange; font-weight: bold;");
2. console.table()
Sometimes it’s useful to present array of data as table.
It’s simple like this:
const users = [
{ name: "Leon", age: 29 },
{ name: "Jane", age: 27 },
3. console.trace()
Wanna trace the console log?
Do this:
// Coded in Node.js REPL (in terminal)
const doThings = () => {
// do stuff
console.trace("doThings doing");
Trace: doThings doing
at doThings (REPL33:3:11)
at REPL34:1:1
at Script.runInThisContext (vm.js:134:12)
at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:488:29)
at bound (domain.js:416:15)
at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:427:12)
at REPLServer.onLine (repl.js:821:10)
at REPLServer.emit (events.js:412:35)
at REPLServer.emit (domain.js:470:12)
at REPLServer.Interface._onLine (readline.js:364:10)
You can print and trace where the function was defined, how was it called.
4. console.count()
Sometimes it is important to know how many times, a function or method has been called.
In that case, console.count()
will come in handy:
const doSomething = () => {
// do something
// Execution
default: 1
default: 2
It automatically increments default
everytime the function has been called.
5. console.time(), console.timeEnd()
Somethimes, it is useful to know the execution of certain function or method.
and console.timeEnd
can be helpful in that case.
Provide any string that distinguishes the timer.
In the example 'timer'
was provided as param.
It can be ‘abcd’, ‘defg’ or what ever else.
Just need to provide the same string to both console.time
and console.timeEnd
const getTime = () => {
let i = 0;
while (i < 1000000000) i++;
// Execution
// timer: 759.641ms