Leon Chaewon Kong's dev blog

React Native - react-native-maps text not visible in default info window(callout)

Recently I faced an issue that iOS callouts(info windows) that not showing any text. White background callout with white text.

Just like left side pic shows.

Here’s the code:

      ref={ref => {
        this.marker = ref;

In general, Marker with title and description props automatically shows callout with white background and black text. In android and iOS below version 13, it is true. But, in iOS >= v.13 especially in dark mode, the white background callout seems to show white text.

Initial Solution: Adding Custom Markers

My initial solution was adding a whole-customed markers inside the .

          ref={ref => {
            this.marker = ref;}}
          <View style={styles.container}>
              <Text style={style.titleText}>
              <Icon name="ios-pin" color="red" size={36}></Icon>

I added custom icon as well. Then, the main problem has solved. Callout finally shows black text. Yet, another problem occured.

The position of the marker pin was unstable when zooming in or out. The pin moves a lot when the user zoom in or zoom out the map. The movement of marker pin was so obvious that any user can tell it.

So, this solution is not recommanded.

Final Solution: Using Custom Callout

react-native-maps offers API, yet the documentation is not that friendly.

So, I had to open up the node_modules/react-native-maps and study through the example codes.

Here’s final, final solution:

                ref={ref => {
                  this.marker = ref;
                {Platform.OS === "ios" ? (
                    <Text style={styles.title}>
                    <Text style={styles.description}>
                ): null }

Here’s my style:

import { fonts } from "../Styles/_mixin";

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
callout: {
                  backgroundColor: "white",
                  borderRadius: 4,
                  alignItems: "center",
                  justifyContent: "center",
                  padding: 4
title: {
                    color: "black",
                    fontSize: 14,
                    lineHeight: 18,
                    flex: 1,
                    fontFamily: fonts.spoqaHanSansRegular
description: {
                    color: "#707070",
                    fontSize: 12,
                    lineHeight: 16,
                    flex: 1,
                    fontFamily: fonts.spoqaHanSansRegular

Until react-native-maps library officially supports dark mode in iOS, this solution might help.